Birthday: 6 Sep @ 2.43am
Weight: 2.78kg
Length: 47cm
Head: 31cm
Here's my Birth Story...
3 Sep (Fri) @ 8am:
The Show - Mucus plug came off I.e light discharge tinted with blood. Could still have work telcos, met up with friends for lunch & coffee and relaxing dinner w hubby.
4 Sep (Sat):
Minor on/off contractions in the early morning. Could still swim & head out for the weekend.
5 Sep (Sun):
Woke up at 2.30am because of contractions & thought I'll endure a few more hours & head to hospital in the morning. However contractions wasn't too bad in the morning so decided to wait. Could relax, watch TV & soak in bathtub before heading to parent's house for dinner. Contractions are on/off about 15 mins apart & still bearable intensity.
Reached home, shower & could feel contractions becoming more regular, about 6-7 mins interval and was about to leave for the hospital when water bag broke at 9.45pm.
Actually heard a "pop" sound before the gush of fluid! In the car, contractions are getting more frequent ~3-4mins & higher intensity.
Upon arrival at TMC, was lead to the Delivery Room to change & clear the bowels. Staff nurse Geetha who assisted me throughout was very nice & comforting. Luckily my gynae happened to be at TMC (just completed delivery for another patient) so she was here within 15 mins.
Short vaginal examination indicates that I'm just 2cm dilated. According to regular statistics, baby will be out in another 8hours! Checked with gynae & found out the current pain rating was approx 3/10. At the transition stage, will feel intense pain & wanting-to-poo-feeling. Decided that I'll likely go for epidural as I don't wanna endure & end up with a phobia for delivery.
Was transferred to the Birth Room at ~11pm & contractions were 2-4mins interval & higher intensity (at times causing me to shiver) so decided to ask for epidural. 45 mins for doc administrating the epidural to come! While waiting I was whining in pain & nurse offered me gas which I declined.
Epidural was a godsend. The jab into the vertebrae was nothing compared to the contractions & feel sooo much better thereafter.
Could doze off to sleep until ~1.30am when I started to again feel the want-to-pee feeling. Apparently it was the baby's head descending. Short check by the nurse & confirmed dilation is already 10cm & could see the baby crowning! Doc was asked to come & after 2 pushes, the baby is out at 2.43am.
Amazingly smooth & fast delivery for a first-time mum. When the baby was left in my arms the first time, the feeling of joy brought tears to my eyes. Indescribable feeling of motherhood...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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