Just when I thought my breastfeeding journey has been fairly smooth sailing with good milk supply, fast letdown, efficient pumping sessions & once a day latch-on, things went downhill this weekend with blocked ducts near the armpit area.
It started on Friday and I've no idea how it happened as I've always been disciplined with the 3 hourly pumping but it sure was painful!
Tried to relieve the blockage by pumping, massaging & latching but to no avail. Expressing milk could take an hour with lots of massage to clear the blockage. :(
There's a Baby Expo Sale this weekend. Having been to 2 such Baby Fair in the past, Gerald & I were anxiously awaiting this as we now know precisely what to get.
I ritually pumped before heading to expo earlier at 5pm while Gerald will take the train & meet me there. We planned to grab essentials such as diapers & wet tissues before a dinner date (our first since the arrival Baby Kara ).
Ended up the fair was a disappointment. There's limited participating brands & some of the brands are selling more expensive than outside.
Photo shoot with purchase of 2 magazines at only $6! The reason why we came back on Sat morning with Baby Kara.
Dinner at the laidback Foo's House. Amazing how our dinner date topic revolves around Baby Kara & we were watching the children of another couple in the restaurant. New parents syndrome...
Sat heading out for lunch at Ikea.
In the amidst of improving my diet for breastfeeding, i've grown to enjoy eating fish. Yummy salmon steak at Ikea.
Baby Kara stoning while out on Sun.
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